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Personal Brand Archetype Quiz

The personal brand archetype quiz is designed to help you identify what your personal brand archetype is.

Take a screenshot of your results, so that you remember your secondary and tertiary archetypes.
ps. If you have forgotten your archetypes you can take the quiz again. 

What is the personal brand quiz?

Being you is 100% the easiest way to be successful.

The Personal Brand Archetypes Quiz and the results are loosely based on the work by Carl Jung and the Book The Hero & The Outlaw, Building Extraordinary Brands with the Power of Archetypes by Margaret Mark & Carol S. Pearson. For the purpose of this quiz and results, I updated some of the names and descriptions to suit individuals rather than larger brands.

Your archetype isn’t who you want to be, it’s who you already are. This is why your marketing becomes so easy once you embrace it. It’s based around who you are, your values, why and how you do what you do.

So, take the quiz, then check out your archetypes and decide that you are going to showup as 100% authentically you.

Learn more about your personal brand archetype

Friendly, Bold, Creative, Confident, Enthusiastic, Entertainer, Original, Social, Extrovert, Fun, Playful

Love, Intimacy, Warmth, Committed, Magnetic, Idealistic, Sensual, Passionate, Gratitude, Beauty

Optimistic, Kind, Pure, A Dreamer, Happy, Humble, Kind, Gentle, Naive innocence

Dependable, Generous, Peaceful, Committed, Protector, Selfless, Caring, Warm, Empathetic, Accepting

Teacher, Expert, Thinker, Wise, Knowledge, Truth, Guide, Mentor, Student, Authoritative

Ambitious, Influential, Successful, Leader, Authoritative, Powerful, Strong, Direct, Strong, In charge

Growth, Freedom, Individual, Adventure, Daring, Pioneer, Exciting, Wanderer, Independence

Inspiring, Creative, Authentic, Vibrant, Expressive, Visionary, Passion, Pioneer, Unique, Imaginative

Visionary, Innovative, Transformative, Knowledgeable, Intuitive, Innovator, Charismatic

Friendly, Down to Earth, Humble, Loyal, Honest, Respect, Fair, Belonging, Easy going, Relaxed, Likeable

Courageous, Determined, Strong, Warrior, Proud, Rescuer, Focused, Competitive, Powerful

Bold, Individual, Revolutionary, Changemaker, Independent, Shocking, Disruptive, Challenging

Embrace your brand archetype and allow it to shine through your messaging