Who is the sage brand archetype?

The Sage archetype embodies wisdom, knowledge, and insight, serving as a beacon of expertise and guidance. You possess a deep passion for acquiring new knowledge and an equally strong desire to impart that wisdom to others.

Learning and teaching are two sides of the same coin for you. You have a passion for learning new things and a strong desire to share that knowledge with others. Your learning journey extends to knowing and understanding yourself as much as the world around you.

Your confidence is never misconstrued for arrogance because you have a wonderful way of building trust and relationships through your knowledge and experience. Your clients and pupils are drawn to your authority because they know it comes from a place of deep learning.

You are driven, both in your professional goals and in your desire to share your expertise with the world. This makes you an assuring guide to clients, as they know that they can put their trust in you to teach them and help guide them on their journey.

This innate love of knowledge can cause you to be irritated by other people voicing their opinions that you view to be incorrect. And you might find it hard to hold your tongue when this happens. As a Sage, you are most comfortable as a mentor, and you want to use your intelligence to seek new information, lessons, and the truth.

Brand strategy of the sage archetype

Share happiness and joy in your marketing. Earn people’s trust with simple, honest and positive communication. You are a breath of fresh air, positive, open and build trust by making your brand and a positive, happy place to be. You help people to bring the best out in themselves and feel good about themselves. You shine a light and just make people feel good.

Learn more about your secondary brand archetypes

Hopefully you remembered to take a screenshot of your results! If you did you can learn more about your secondary archetypes.

Friendly, Bold, Creative, Confident, Enthusiastic, Entertainer, Original, Social, Extrovert, Fun, Playful

Love, Intimacy, Warmth, Committed, Magnetic, Idealistic, Sensual, Passionate, Gratitude, Beauty

Optimistic, Kind, Pure, A Dreamer, Happy, Humble, Kind, Gentle, Naive innocence

Dependable, Generous, Peaceful, Committed, Protector, Selfless, Caring, Warm, Empathetic, Accepting

Teacher, Expert, Thinker, Wise, Knowledge, Truth, Guide, Mentor, Student, Authoritative

Ambitious, Influential, Successful, Leader, Authoritative, Powerful, Strong, Direct, Strong, In charge

Growth, Freedom, Individual, Adventure, Daring, Pioneer, Exciting, Wanderer, Independence

Inspiring, Creative, Authentic, Vibrant, Expressive, Visionary, Passion, Pioneer, Unique, Imaginative

Visionary, Innovative, Transformative, Knowledgeable, Intuitive, Innovator, Charismatic

Friendly, Down to Earth, Humble, Loyal, Honest, Respect, Fair, Belonging, Easy going, Relaxed, Likeable

Courageous, Determined, Strong, Warrior, Proud, Rescuer, Focused, Competitive, Powerful

Bold, Individual, Revolutionary, Changemaker, Independent, Shocking, Disruptive, Challenging

Embrace your brand archetype and allow it to shine through your messaging

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